Monday, May 4, 2009

Ours by Choice

Like everyone around us told us would blood be thicker than water?Would she accept us?Would she be able to adjust to us?Is it worth taking the long road?What if the vehicle breaks down mid way on the long road?Do genes afterall dictate a life?

A million questions clouded around in our minds when we sat there on that bench with the rickety old fan making a noise.I kept turning around and looking over my shoulders to see if she had come yet.There was still no sign of her.

I had a silent prayer in my mind in which I kept telling myself,”Please let this happen.Give me the strength to know if she indeed is the one.Please make it easy for all of us”

Here we were sitting inside a building in the middle of barren land in the middle of nowhere in a region where not many people dare to go.Here we were waiting……

Suddenly we hear a big laugh “Hee hee hee hee”and we both turn around and look as to where the noise is coming from.There is nobody in the room except the fan to keep us company, but the noise still continues to stream through.We just couldn’t sit any more.We jump out into the corridor.

There we see a lady holding a small bundle all wrapped up in baby pink and white and smelling of baby oil.We realised that the sound was coming from within the bundle.

The lady gave us the bundle and disappeared.We remove the wrapping cloth from her and there we see the naughtiest and the most sparkling of eyes staring at us in a confused manner.The eyes could not decide whether they should let the tears come out or should she wait and watch as to what was going to happen.I just told the little lady,please forgive us for the trauma but you are in absolute safe hands,please show us something to the effect that you would like to adopt us.

Then came the big broad smile followed by the crying.

That was indication enough for us.The moment was just magical.Nothing else.My eyes went moist.Why?I do not know till this date.

All the million questions that we had in our mind before that moment did not matter to us anymore.The soul connection between the three of us was made.We knew then that the three of us were meant to be together.There was no other way to it. We knew this was the beginning of something magical & special.

Once the administrative processes were completed,from that moment on,our little lady adopted us and we adopted her.

Why & What made us arrive at this decision to go the adoption way?For us it was the simple belief that we believed in and that is-Giving a life is much more meaningful & much more important than giving birth. This belief was our only guiding force that kept us going and eventually led us to our little lady today.I say this with all due respects to the biological parents and I also make this statement with due respects to the people who feel that giving birth is the only one event in a woman’s life that would make her feel complete as a woman. Afterall even I was emotionally pregnant from the day we had registered for adoption.

Adoption is a fiercely individual decision and each and every one has their own individual reasons attached to it.For us this was the only reason and all other matters and reasons which were thrown at us and which were not in favor of our decision simply was not important enough to us.Afterall a person has to do what a person firmly believes in.My sincere hope is that a day would come when all of us would atleast begin to think of adoption if not travel the entire distance.The thought itslelf would be a good beginning.

Things like noble deed/charity,these were concepts that never even played in our minds at any point of time.It was our sheer belief that we believed in and that was what took us to her & the process strengthened my belief in the existence of destiny

Thank you my little wonder for making our lives so enriching and fun filled & for allowing us to come into your life.



  1. Feelings put into words... Perhaps you should show this to her a when she is old enough to comprehend every emotion that chiselled these words.
    It takes a great deal of compassion to accept and give life to another being and its capable of a few!!!
    Cheers and wish you happiness beyond words can convey.

  2. My prayers to 3 of you. Deeply touched by your words and I must admit that it takes a whole lot of courage to go unconventional in our society. Feels just great to have friends like you pal...Wish you an awesome life ahead...God Bless!!!!!

  3. Inspirational ! . We went through a similar strong belief start of this year , no not adoption but the idea of universal love. One can't really be in love unless one loves everything. Extension of love to not just humans but animals and environment. What followed was giving up on meat , more charity and low impact living for the sake of environment.

  4. "ADOPTION" how many really can go foward with it?i strongly applaud any1 that carries out their dream and u guys are the angels in aayana's life.many say how lucky that child is she has got a life but i feel the other way round.u'll r the lucky one's she has completed ur fly.
    ur blog is so soul awakening hope many more go fwd in this drection.
    cheers to u and the fly
    god bless

  5. Ur words are so touchy ,commentable & inspirational!!Aayana is lucky to have parents like you both!!She will bring all sort of happiness & luck!!I am so proud to have a friend like you!!!Cheers buddy!!!

  6. touchy and like someone else said- inspiring!

  7. We went through a similar phase when we adopted. The feeling is difficult to express in words. You penned it down very well to remind me of our daughters arrival in our family. It was no less happier than actual birth of a baby minus the physical problems woman faces during delivery!!!So all in all happy parenting.

  8. Hey.. your blogs are wonderful.. I choose to share what happpens in my life through riddles,and twisted words...but got to say your blogs just touched my heart...well repying to your thing on is full of contradictions.. it kinds of spices up things.. doesnt it?? take care...

  9. wonderful..... i can absolutely feel those moments of happiness when the 3 of you united! all the very best to three of you.... i would say both you are lucky to get her and she is lucky to get you guys!
